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Language Testing

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If you're looking for an objective, accurate and easy to adminster English langauge test, look no further.
LINGUASKILL has replaced BULATS which was the most widely used test to certify language training programmes funded by the CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation)

A few arguments for using LINGUASKILL:

  • Reputation - it was developed by University of Cambridge

  • Online, adaptive testing technology - the level of dificulty of the questions adapts to your answers, leading to more accurate results and better candidate experience

  • Choice - General or Business English, and 3 modules for each version: speaking, writing or reading & listening

  • Automarking - speaking & writing skills are assessed by AI

  • Aligned with the Council of Europe's Common European Framework

LINGUASKILL in 3 simple steps:

1. Log-on


2. Answer the questions


3. Get your results!
