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Team Building

High Performing Teams

A team-building seminar using PROCESS COM®, a collective intelligence accelerator, developed by NASA to build high-performing teams


  • Build team cohesion and performance through effective communication
  • Understand how the team works, why misunderstandings and conflicts arise
  • Acquire a shared language and techniques to satisfy your teammates’ psychological needs and resolve conflicts
  • Personalise your conversation to personality types
My goal is to develop your team’s autonomy, by enabling them to better manage their differences without needing you.


Depending on your needs, the seminar can include

  • The team’s personality inventory: strengths and areas for development
  • Managing differences
  • Chosing the best communication channel for effective communication
  • Satisfying team members’ psychological needs and motivating the team
  • Managing miscommunication in the team
After this seminar, you won’t be able to claim you don’t know each other!