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International Profiler

The International Competency Set, on which The International Profiler is based, can provide a shared language to understand what ‘being international’ is all about.

The context

The shifting of the world’s geo-economic plates has speeded up over the last 10 years and developing economies are emerging strongly. Organisations at the traditional ‘centre’ of the world stage now have to learn to compete within an austerity stricken regional market and with the growing confidence of countries who, only 15 years ago, were simply sources of cheap labour. Organisations are more aware than ever that they need to develop people who can build new relationships in new markets: people who will thrive in unfamiliar and unpredictable contexts.

The challenge

These new conditions see organisations aligning and remoulding their dispersed global workforce around common goals, processes and values. They are searching for better ways to do more with less, for example by replacing the clarity and cosiness of hierarchical systems with more ambiguous matrix structures - unlocked more by influence than by command and control. This needs investment in their top talent so that the right ‘global leadership stream’ irrigates the DNA of top teams needed to face future challenges.

Developing people to meet the challenge

Most organisations have plenty of views on how to change the systems and processes for ‘becoming global’, but have little idea about how to globalise their key people. The International Competency Set provides a framework for developing people’s intercultural competency - essential for leading in a global organisation marked by uncertainty.


Target Population

  • For managers working internationally (virtual project/ team managers …)

  • Professionals about to take up a challenging international role

  • Supporting leadership development

  • Prior to relocation

The questonnaire is completed online, in English, French, German or Italian.

The 22 competencies :

The questionnaire explores the relative energy, emphasis and attention professionals bring to the competency set when involved in transferring their leadership and management skills to unfamiliar, cross-cultural contexts

The feedback provides

  • structured discussion of this energy in light of present or future international challenges
  • identification of three or four qualities requiring greater energy in the future
  • initiation of a development process involving creation of a Personal Development Plan by the coachee

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